Patient Bill of Rights
You have the right to:
- Respect, including respect for your cultural and personal values, beliefs, preferences.
- Care that is free from discrimination.
- A safe environment when receiving care, treatment, and services.
- Be given information in a way you can understand.
- Make decisions about your care, including refusing care.
- Informed Consent (understanding risks, benefits, and alternatives for certain treatments).
- Have your privacy protected during treatment.
- Protection of your health and personal information.
- Appoint a person of your choice to be involved in or make decisions about your care.
- A qualified interpreter free of charge.
- Have health care costs explained.
- Choose your health care providers and to know their names and qualifications.
- Seek a second opinion regarding your care.
- Seek care from a specialist.
- Know your responsibilities as a patient.
- Make a complaint without affecting your care.
- Contact us by phone: 866.276.7018
- Contact us by email: [email protected]
- Contact your insurance company
- Contact the Joint Commission’s Office of Quality Monitoring to report any concerns by calling 800.994.6610; online at Joint Commission Patient Safety Incident or by US mail to:
- The Office of Quality and Patient Safety The Joint Commission
One Renaissance Boulevard
Oakbrook Terrace, Illinois 60181
- The Office of Quality and Patient Safety The Joint Commission
Patient Responsibilities
It is your responsibility to:
- Notify us if you cannot keep your appointment.
- Report information about your past and present health concerns, illnesses, hospitalizations, medications.
- Inform us if you receive care from other health care providers.
- Let us know how we are doing with meeting your health care needs.
- Speak up if you do not understand your treatment plan or have concerns about your care.
- Follow your treatment plan and tell us if you think that you cannot follow the plan.
- Accept the outcome if you do not follow your treatment plan.
- Follow the health center’s rules.
- Show respect for Primary Health Network’s employees, staff, property and other patients and visitors.
- Be in control of your behavior at all times.
- Pay the charges for your care or ask for help if you are unable to pay.