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Your desk chair has held you up through the years and has become a common staple in your work life existence. However, an item you had thought to be your best friend is in reality your worst enemy! Research suggests that the recommended 30 minutes of cardio five times per week may not undo the…

Primary Health Network (PHN) has earned its 6th consecutive Gold Seal of Approval through the Joint Commission for Ambulatory Health Care, Behavioral Health, and Patient Centered Medical Home (PCMH) Accreditations by demonstrating continuous compliance with its nationally-recognized standards. The Gold Seal of Approval is a symbol of quality that reflects an organization’s commitment to providing…

Primary Health Network Appoints George Garrow, MD as Chief Medical Officer
Sharon, PA April 6, 2016- Primary Health Network (PHN), an emerging leader in the healthcare industry, announced the appointment of George Garrow, MD, as Chief Medical Officer (CMO) of their organization. Dr. Garrow is a leading physician in the community and renowned oncologist. Most recently, Dr. Garrow was the Director of Medical Oncology at Sharon…

Managing Seasonal Allergies
Did you know that in some parts of the United States, spring allergies start as early as February? When we have mild winter temperatures some plants pollinate early, causing you to experience those all-too-familiar symptoms earlier than you expected. In addition, more than two-thirds of people with spring allergies actually have symptoms year-round.Seasonal allergic rhinitis,…

The Most Overlooked Childhood Disease
Tooth decay can begin as early as age 1, and children with tooth decay are more likely to develop long-term oral health issues. Be sure to have your child brush his or her teeth for 2 minutes twice a day for a healthy smile! #2min2xDid you know that tooth decay is one of the most…

Pediatric Well-Being
As soon as your children are verbal you should begin talking to them about wellness, states Primary Health Network pediatrician John Cunningham, MD. This includes encouraging them to incorporate physical activity into their lifestyle and remaining physically active; a great way to keep your child excited about wellness is by modeling that behavior as a…

Tips to Prevent the Cold and Flu
It’s peak cold and flu season, and waking up with a runny nose or a fever is the last thing you want to happen when it’s already cold and miserable outside. Fortunately, there are several actions you can take to prevent the cold and flu:• Diet and exercise: Eating right and staying active can help…

New Year’s Resolutions: Will You Stick with It?
Every January, gyms are flooded with new members who have resolved to lose weight in the upcoming year. But by March, those numbers have dwindled and New Year’s resolutions are long forgotten. Is there a way to stick with your resolution throughout the whole year?If you write your resolution as a positive statement, it could…

After the Holidays: Get Back on Track
The presents are opened, the decorations are put away, the leftovers are finally gone, and you are probably exhausted! The holidays can take a toll on our bodies as we eat more, sleep less, and stress about everything from family to finances. Start your new year off right with these simple tips to get back…