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Campfire Safety Tips
With fall rolling in, the evenings are getting cooler. But while some of us miss the warm summer nights, the rest of us are grabbing firewood and marshmallows! Autumn means campfires, complete with fire-roasted hot dogs and gooey s’mores. However, before you invite your friends over, make sure you know your campfire safety.First, it’s best…

Pokémon Go: Getting Fit and Staying Safe
You may have noticed a lot more people than usual walking around your neighborhood streets, faces glued to their phones. For those not “in the know,” a new free-to-play mobile game craze, called Pokémon: Go, is sweeping the nation. In fact, in the U.S. alone, it currently has over 7.5 million downloads!Based on a 90’s…

School Sports: Know the Signs of a Concussion
Playing an organized sport in school is a great way for your child to stay in shape, learn about teamwork, and build leadership skills. But whether they play football, soccer, volleyball, or baseball, it’s crucial to know the signs of a serious injury such as a concussion.If your child receives a bump, blow, or jolt…

Back to School Checklist
It’s that time of year again – back to school time! We hope your children had a great summer, and we’re here to help you make sure they’re healthy as they head back into the classroom. Kids’ habits change over the summer, so whether it’s eating healthier or going to bed earlier, it’s important to…

What’s Buzzing?
It’s a warm summer day and you are out by the pool. After a peaceful time in the water, you hear a humming sound and then a subsequent painful feeling shooting up your arm. You were just stung by a wasp. With 7 million Americans allergic to bee stings, it is important to know what…

Water You Doing About Dehydration?
Summer is in full swing, which means more time is being spent out in the hot sun. With increased time in the heat, are you consuming enough water? The fact is, most Americans are not. Dehydration is when your body is losing more liquids than you are taking in. Symptoms of Dehydration include thirst, dry…

Safety First!
Playgrounds are a great place for kids to exercise and socialize throughout the summer, but each year emergency rooms treat more than 200,000 children ages 14 and younger for playground injuries. These injuries include anything from broken bones to concussion to internal bleeding, but there is no need to keep your child away from playgrounds!…

Stop Heartburn Before it Starts
If you’ve ever had heartburn, you know it’s not a pleasant experience! Heartburn is a burning pain in your chest (behind the breastbone) and may feel worse when sitting or lying down. Fortunately, occasional heartburn can be treated or prevent with lifestyle changes and over-the-counter medications.Certain foods can cause heartburn in some people, so if…

Rethink your Drink!
Do you know how much sugar is in a can of soda? One 12 ounce can contains more than 9 teaspoons! Liquid sugar is the leading source of added sugar in the American diet, and Americans consume 3-6 times more added sugar than the maximum amount recommended by nutritional experts! Drinking just one 12 ounce…

Tips for a Safe Holiday Weekend
It’s nearly the 4th of July, and many of us are probably planning on viewing fireworks sometime this weekend. The safest way to enjoy fireworks is to attend a public fireworks display put on by professionals. State law prohibits the use of consumer and display fireworks in Pennsylvania without a permit, so leave this activity…