
Investing in Our Future: Why Children’s Mental Health Matters

This month we want to focus on Children’s Mental Health, we want to dedicate this blog to raise awareness about the importance of mental well-being in our youngest population. At Primary Health Network, we believe that mental health is just as crucial as physical health, and we’re committed to providing comprehensive, accessible care for children…

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May is Mental Health Awareness Month

May is Mental Health Awareness Month! Let’s use this time to acknowledge the importance of mental well-being and break down stigmas surrounding mental health. Just like our physical health, our mental health deserves attention and care. Many of us experience stress, anxiety, or feelings of overwhelm at times. It’s important to remember that you’re not…

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Overthinking. Learn to Control it.

Overthinking is a negative behavior that tends to raise stress since it involves concentrating on the negative, worrying about the future, and overanalyzing everything you do. Even though overthinking is not a mental disorder in and of itself, it has been linked to Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD). Overthinking can be challenging to overcome. So, how…

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Light-skinned woman asleep in bed, text "Primary Health Network Mental Health and Your Sleep"

Mental Health and Your Sleep

The saying, “They woke up on the wrong side of the bed,” has some truth behind it. Sleep is very much connected to mental and emotional health and has been linked to depression, anxiety, and other conditions. Mental health conditions tend to make it harder to sleep for some, and we know poor sleep, including…

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Torsos of people sitting together overlayed in green, text "Suicide Awareness Mental Health Month"

Suicide Awareness & Mental Health

Suicide is not inevitable for anyone. We can prevent suicides and save lives by starting a conversation, providing support, and helping those who need it. People who have access to mental health services and receive support from caring friends and family are less likely than those who are socially isolated to act on suicidal thoughts….

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Talking to your kids about drugs and alcohol, over a mother and daughter smiling together

Talking to Your Kids About Drugs & Alcohol

When it comes to having to talk to our adolescents about alcohol and other drugs, most parents are hesitant because of the typical thinking that if we talk about it, they are more likely to use it. Statistically, if you’re having open and honest conversations with your child, the likelihood of them using substances goes…

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Red Panda Sleeping

How Did You Sleep Last Night?

Sleep plays a very important role in your physical health, but snoring can impair your sleep quality as well as the sleep patterns of those around you. Snoring is a common condition that can affect anyone, and it occurs when the flow of air through the mouth and nose is physically obstructed when you are…

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Medical doctor holding clipboard in right hand while writing notes with left hand

Pediatric Well-Being

As soon as your children are verbal you should begin talking to them about wellness, states Primary Health Network pediatrician John Cunningham, MD. This includes encouraging them to incorporate physical activity into their lifestyle and remaining physically active; a great way to keep your child excited about wellness is by modeling that behavior as a…

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