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Health, Lifestyle, Parenting, Prevention

Kids and Their Teeth: Common Myths Debunked

pexels-photo-225017_ResizedWhen it comes to our kids, we try to make sure they have a fulfilling childhood. From playing games at home to packing healthy lunches, parents work to provide excellent care for their children. This also goes into healthcare, and one of the major changes kids will go through is losing their baby teeth. When our kids have dental issues, many of us turn to the internet to find solutions to problems, trusting the word of other parents or websites. However, especially with pediatric dental care, there are a number of myths that you might be surprised to learn aren’t true.First, it’s easy to fall into the mindset that, since their baby teeth are going to fall out anyway, they aren’t a serious concern. It’s true that each of these teeth will eventually be scooped up by the Tooth Fairy, but until then, they actually serve an important role. They act as space savers for adult teeth, and if one falls out too early due to dental problems, it could cause crowding for the adult teeth. Even worse, though, is that leaving decay on a baby tooth can lead to abscesses and/or swelling, and it can affect the adult tooth forming underneath. If an infection occurs, it can even spread to other parts of your child’s body!Maybe the biggest concern for parents is cavities, which are caused by sugar, right? Well, not exactly. Cavities are caused by acids produced by oral bacteria, and sugar feeds this bacteria. That’s why it’s a good idea to limit the amount of sugar your kids consume, since it will only feed this bacteria. Also, acidic foods, like lemons, don’t directly cause tooth decay. Rather, they wear away the enamel on teeth, making them more vulnerable to decay. It’s also not good to assume your child will know if they have a cavity. Early tooth decay often has no noticeable symptoms, and once pain is felt, this means the decay has advanced and damaged the tooth’s nerve.If your kids aren’t fond of going to the dentist, you might think that they don’t have to go until they feel pain or notice something wrong. This myth could lead to serious long-term problems. Check-ups are important because they can pick up on things that we or our kids wouldn’t notice. We can’t always tell if we have a cavity or misaligned teeth, and getting these things taken care of early helps to prevent bigger issues down the road.One last thing many of us think is that our kids are capable of brushing their own teeth. Yes, it’s true that they’ll learn to do it for themselves, but many kids fail to get hard to reach places. Helping them to brush is a healthy practice that will teach them the right way to maintain their own oral health.

Category Health, Lifestyle, Parenting, Prevention
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