PHN News - PHN News

A young girl smiles while holding a stuffed animal. A woman is blurred in the background

The Facts about Hand, Foot, and Mouth Disease

Hand, foot, and mouth disease is a common viral illness that usually affects infants and children younger than 5 years old. Typical symptoms include fever, mouth sores, and a skin rash, and children can get exposed to the virus through close personal contact such as hugging, breathing in air when an infected person coughs or…

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A woman clasps her hands together in the foreground. A person holds a clipboard in the background

Anxiety and Depression: You Are Not Alone

In the United States, approximately 40 million people experience anxiety every year, and more than 16 million experience depression. While anxiety and depression are separate conditions, they often “co-occur”, which means that many people experience symptoms of both conditions at the same time. We would like to share the story of one of our patients…

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Young boy in a bed getting his temperature checked with an oral thermometer

Too Sick for School?

For those of us with kids, it’s rare that a school year goes by without a sick day.  When you wake them up for school, and they say they don’t feel well, how do you respond?  Do you just let them sleep?  Do you take them to the doctor?  Is there a “right” way to…

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A woman holds a toddler above her head. They smile at each other

What You Should Know About Whooping Cough

Whooping cough, also called pertussis, is a highly contagious infection of the respiratory tract.

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A family of four, a mother, son, daughter, and father, sits on a couch. The son holds a TV remote

Movie Night: What You Need to Know About Ratings

Here’s what you should know about movie ratings and making sure your kids are seeing entertainment that suits their age.

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A man poses before a poster of various anatomical pictures and terms

PHN Patient Success Story: Eric

Eric never had back pain issues growing up; he simply had a “bad back” from constantly working at his computer. Two years ago in 2016, Eric slipped on the ice carrying groceries, which resulted in him injuring his lower back. He hit the back of his head and had migraines for a month and a…

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Breast Cancer Awareness

PHN Breast Cancer Grant Programs

For the past four years, Primary Health Network (PHN) has been awarded various grants through the Susan G. Komen Foundation, supporting breast health education and early breast cancer detection and support. Awarded funds have been used to assist Primary Health Network patients across Mercer, Lawrence, and Beaver County who are of the age to be…

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A pregnant woman in a blue shirt holds her belly while standing in a park

Folic Acid and Women’s Health

You might have heard of folic acid before or seen it on a nutrition label for certain foods. It’s made from folate, which occurs naturally in some foods and is a form of a B-vitamin. But did you know how important folic acid is for your nutrition, especially if you’re a woman? It’s even required…

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Light-skinned woman sits on a couch, fist propped against mouth as she looks to the side in worry

Loneliness: How Isolation Affects Our Bodies

We all know what it’s like to feel lonely. Whether we’re introverted or extroverted, at some point, we’ll face feelings of isolation and separation. Loneliness is when these feelings grow stronger, when we feel alone, separated from others, unsupported, and distressed. It could be when your significant other goes on a trip without you, or…

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A group of medical professionals gather around a table, several look at clipboards and tablets

Community Health Centers: Who We Are and What We Do

You’ll often hear the term “Community Health Center” from Primary Health Network. However, we’re only one of over 1,300 community health centers throughout the country! PHN isn’t a hospital, and it’s not a part of any local hospital systems. We are a Federally Qualified Health Center (FQHC), and we provide healthcare with the mission of…

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