PHN News - PHN News
PHN Podcast: Penn State University’s GWEP Grant
PHN’s Chief Medical Officer Dr. George Garrow and Marie Mulvihill, Executive Director of Operations – Medical, talk with Dr. Donna Fick, Dr. Erica Husser, and Dr. Judith Hupcey, about PSU’s Geriatric Wellness and Education Program (GWEP). PSU has recently partnered with PHN and the collaboration is designed to implement an Age-Friendly Health System in rural,…
Primary Health Network offering drive-through flu shot clinics to patients
Like COVID-19, the flu is a viral respiratory illness that unfortunately leads to thousands of hospitalizations and deaths. There is, however, an extremely important step you can take to protect yourself from the flu – getting a flu shot.
Primary Health Network partners with Zion Education Center on COVID-19 screening and education
Community partnerships are a valuable piece of the health center mission, and PHN takes great pride in creating programs that meet the unique needs of their community partners.
PHN Podcast: What is a Federally Qualified Health Center?
In this episode, PHN’s Chief Medical Officer Dr. George Garrow is joined by Cheri Rinehart, the president and CEO of the Pennsylvania Association of Community Health Centers. Together, they discuss the value of Community Health Centers (CHCs), also known as FQHCs – Federally Quailifed Health Centers and the positive impact that they have on their…
10 Tips to Reduce Stress
Life can be stressful, and everyone experiences some amount of stress nearly every day, whether it is rushing to meet a work deadline, making sure financial ends meet, or worrying about your child’s grades in school.
PHN Podcast: Collaborative Care Initiatives
Chief Medical Officer Dr. George Garrow is joined by Matt Eckley, Executive Director of Behavioral Health and Lisa Lorelli, Director of Clinical Initiatives to talk about new initiatives that focus on collaborative care. Collaborative care is a model of integration of Behavioral Health in a Primary Care setting, with a focus on the effectiveness of…
PHN Expands Pediatric Immunization Services in Erie
Primary Health Network announced the expansion of their pediatric immunization services to fill the gap for this much-needed service in Erie County. Dr. George Garrow, PHN’s Chief Medical officer states, “Due to the current pandemic, we have noticed that many patients are choosing to postpone or reschedule any in-person visits; however, when it comes to…
PHN Podcast: Back to School
Rachel Bieber, PHN’s Visual Arts Manager, discusses the reopening of schools with Dr. George Garrow, PHN’s Chief Medical officer. Dr. Garrow focuses on the health and safety of children and shares some tips that parents can implement right away. The current reopening policies are subject to change due to the complicated nature of COVID-19…
PHN Podcast: Gym and Restaurant Safety
PHN’s Visual Arts Manager Rachel Bieber is joined by Dr. George Garrow, PHN’s Chief Medical Officer, to discuss the reopening of restaurants and gyms. Please note that this podcast was recorded prior to the July 1st order released by the Pennsylvania Secretary of Health. At the time of publishing, all Pennsylvanians are required to wear…
Getting Back on Track with your Healthcare
We understand that many changes have occurred in the past few months, with recommendations that you limit activity to essential needs like getting groceries and picking up prescriptions. Maintaining your health is always essential, and we are here to provide care during these uncertain times.