PHN News - Lifestyle

Medical doctor holding clipboard in right hand while writing notes with left hand

Real Men Do Yoga

Did you know that yoga has been around for more than 5,000 years? Yoga is described as a series of physical, mental, and spiritual practices, and has become increasingly popular in recent years, particularly with the female population. But men can benefit from yoga just as much as women, and male celebrities such as Bon…

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Medical doctor holding clipboard in right hand while writing notes with left hand

Beating the Heat: Safe Summer Exercise

Now that summer is officially here, many of us will be starting seasonal summer exercise routines. Whether you’re keeping a New Year’s resolution or just decided to get in shape, the nice weather is a great time for working out. Just like everything else, though, it doesn’t come without its own share of risks. The…

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A brown-skinned man and woman in athletic clothes take a walk through a suburban neighborhood

Preventing disease is better than a cure…especially when there is no cure.

Preventing disease is better than a cure…especially when there is no cure. Did you know heart disease is the leading cause of death for women in the United States? According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, “Although heart disease is sometimes thought of as a man’s disease, around the same number of women and…

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