PHN News - Health

Medical doctor holding clipboard in right hand while writing notes with left hand

Simple, Fun Ways to Celebrate Earth Day

Happy Earth Day! Every year, people around the world celebrate Earth Day and do their part to make our planet a better place. Whether it is taking a hike or bike ride, picking up trash, or planting a tree, there are many ways to celebrate Earth Day as a family. If you have children, one…

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A woman makes a heart shape with her hands in front of a sunset

Simple Steps toward a Healthier Heart

February is American Heart Month, so why not give yourself a Valentine’s Day gift this year – the gift of heart health! Heart disease is the leading cause of death for men and women in the United States, but you don’t have to be a part of this statistic. Take these simple steps to keep…

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A piggy bank with a small pile of coins next to it

Budget Tips: Common Mistakes You Might Be Making

When it comes to money, it can be hard to manage spending. Between unexpected expenses, holidays, and the occasional desire to splurge, it can be hard to keep money in the bank. This is even harder when it’s a struggle to make ends meet. Many people set up a budget to control spending and make…

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A brown-skinned man and woman in athletic clothes take a walk through a suburban neighborhood

Preventing disease is better than a cure…especially when there is no cure.

Preventing disease is better than a cure…especially when there is no cure. Did you know heart disease is the leading cause of death for women in the United States? According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, “Although heart disease is sometimes thought of as a man’s disease, around the same number of women and…

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