Simple Steps toward a Healthier Heart
February is American Heart Month, so why not give yourself a Valentine’s Day gift this year – the gift of heart health! Heart disease is the leading cause of death for men and women in the United States, but you don’t have to be a part of this statistic. Take these simple steps to keep…
Budget Tips: Common Mistakes You Might Be Making
When it comes to money, it can be hard to manage spending. Between unexpected expenses, holidays, and the occasional desire to splurge, it can be hard to keep money in the bank. This is even harder when it’s a struggle to make ends meet. Many people set up a budget to control spending and make…
It’s not too late to vaccinate – Get your flu vaccine today!
After November when you see signs that advertise: “Get Your Flu Vaccine Here,” you might think, “Isn’t it too late for that?”As long as flu viruses are spreading, it’s not too late to get a vaccine to protect yourself and your loved ones.“Flu season typically peaks between December and February but significant activity can occur…
The Primary Health Network Now Offering Services in Sandy Lake
Sandy Lake– The Primary Health Network (PHN), a growing federally qualified health center, is set to offer family medicine services to the Sandy Lake community. The office of Dr. Martha Moore of 3205 South Main Street, will transition from Hometown Medical Care to The Primary Health Network on December 1, 2015. The transition will have…
The Flu – Are You at High Risk for Complications?
Some people will experience the flu this season and feel better within a few weeks, considering the illness very mild. However, there are certain people who are much more likely to develop serious complications, requiring hospitalization and in rare instances resulting in death. There are also medical conditions that can be made much worse by…
All in the Family: The Importance of Family Health History
The winter holidays are quickly approaching, and many of us are looking forward to spending time with our loved ones around the dinner table and making new holiday memories. As you dig in to that piece of pumpkin pie, we encourage you to discuss your family health history with your family members. November is Family…
Halloween Health & Safety – Tips for Trick-Or-Treating
With Halloween’s Trick-Or-Treat coming up in just a few days, it is important to keep health and safety in mind. The Center for Disease Control recommends several ways to keep you and your children happy and healthy during such a fun and festive holiday!Follow these preventive tips for a safe Halloween: •If you or your…
Understanding Anxiety: Recognition & Management
Author: Diane Flick, LCSWWe all have fear. Fear is a normal emotional response to specific threats or danger. Anxiety related to fear, however, is a response to “possible” threats rather than something specific happening. Anxiety can be described as a fear that something bad may happen. People may get anxious or have anxiety about a…
There are many things we want to pass on to our loved ones, illness is not one of them
You want to pass on family traditions, a grandmother’s quilt or dad’s love of books – but no one wants to pass on a serious illness. Take charge of your health and help protect those around you by asking about vaccines at your next doctor’s visit. Vaccinating our children is commonplace in the United States….
Health Care Professionals Are Key to Boosting Adult Immunizations
Your recommendation can help protect patient health.“Too few adults are taking advantage of the protection vaccines provide, leaving themselves and those around them at greater risk of vaccine-preventable diseases,” according to Dr. Howard Koh, Assistant Secretary for Health at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Many factors influence low rates of adult immunization,…