Awards & Accreditation

Achieving accreditation is an accomplishment of which we are rightfully proud. It means we have made the grade, that we have been recognized for complying with rigorous and strict national performance standards that promote quality healthcare delivery.

Most importantly, our accreditation demonstrates our ongoing commitment to improving patient care. It means that delivering high quality care to you and all our patients is our top priority.

Inspiring Workplaces’ Awards Winner for 2024

Inspiring Workplaces of North America 2024 Government & Non-profit Category

Primary Health Network is honored to be recognized as an Inspiring Workplaces award winning organization in the Government and Non-Profit category by Inspiring Workplaces, a renowned platform that celebrates exemplary workplaces worldwide. Inspiring Workplaces is dedicated to celebrating organizations that foster a positive work environment, prioritize employee well-being, and inspire their teams to achieve greatness. Through their rigorous evaluation process, they identify organizations that excel at creating a culture of innovation, engagement, and empowerment. Primary Health Network’s participation in this prestigious list is a testament to the organization’s unwavering commitment to its employees’ well-being as well as its mission to provide high-quality healthcare services to the community.

Inspiring Workplaces’ Inspiring Leaders Award 2023

Primary Health Network celebrates excellence in our leadership with the momentous achievement of our Chief Executive Officer, Dr. George Garrow, being honored with the prestigious Inspiring Leaders Award by the Inspiring Workplaces Group. This recognition showcases Dr. Garrow’s exceptional leadership and transformative contributions to our organization and communities. The Inspiring Workplaces evaluation process identifies individuals who excel at creating a culture of innovation, engagement, and empowerment. Dr. Garrow’s participation on their list of inspiring leaders is a testament to his unwavering commitment to our employees and the community health center’s mission.

Joint Commission Accredited

Joint Commission of Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations

The Joint Commission on the Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations is dedicated to improving the quality of the nation’s healthcare through voluntary accreditation. This independent organization sets high standards of care and challenges organizations to meet those standards. Primary Health Network was first accredited after a team of Joint Commission surveyors conducted an onsite survey and evaluation in August 1997. They found that we demonstrated compliance with their national standards of ambulatory care.

PHN was reevaluated again in 2000, 2003, 2006, 2010, 2013, 2015, 2018, 2022, and 2025. Each time, this survey has shown that PHN has maintained high quality and continually improved in providing healthcare services. Primary Health Network views Joint Commission accreditation as another step toward excellence, showing our commitment to providing high quality care for our patients.

HRSA Community Health Quality Recognition

HRSA Health Center Program COVID-19 Data Reporter 2021 Awardee badge
HRSA Health Center Program COVID-19 Data Reporter 2021 Awardee badge
HRSA Health Center Program COVID-19 Data Reporter 2021 Awardee badge

Health centers like Primary Health Network receive federal grant funding from HRSA to maintain and expand operations, and HRSA’s Bureau of Primary Health Care oversees the national health center program. HRSA provides funding to nearly 1,400 health centers that offer services at more than 13,500 delivery sites throughout the United States.

The Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA), an agency of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, is the primary federal agency for improving healthcare for people who are geographically isolated, or economically or medically vulnerable.

Each year, HRSA awards Community Health Quality Recognition badges to health centers that made notable improvements to the quality of their care. Since 2021, Primary Health Network received recognition for their achievements in COVID-19 data reporting, advancing health information technology for quality, and their continued implementation of the Primary Care Medical Home care model.

Age Friendly Health System Participant

Age-Friendly Health Systems - Committed to care excellence for older adults badge

Primary Health Network has been recognized as a Age Friendly Health System since July 2019. Age-Friendly Health Systems is an initiative of The John A. Hartford Foundation and the Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI) in partnership with the American Hospital Association (AHA) and the Catholic Health Association of the United States (CHA). As part of the initiative, Primary Health Network is implementing a set of evidence-based interventions designed to improve care for older patients known as the “4Ms” – What Matters, Medication, Mentation, and Mobility. To learn more, please visit: